Thursday, October 21, 2010

For the avid readers...

I recently found out that the average number of words per page of a typical novel is 250. For this blog, I’ve written almost 23,000 words. For those of you who have been loyal readers, you probably haven’t realized that you’ve read approximately 91 pages of a book.

I wasn’t expecting my entries to be so lengthy but I guess I have a lot to share. I came here to write a book. Apparently, I’ve been writing two…


  1. You definitely could make this blog into a book ;O) Glad you two are having such a great experience! Take care :OD

  2. Thanks Michele! I've thought about it...we'll see :) It's definitely been a trip!

  3. I honestly thought one of the main reasons for the blog was to generate ideas for your this point "Nightmare in Paradise" sounds like an appropriate

