Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 20: Bug bites and bad bikes.

For those that are concerned, the bites are better. I didn’t have to sedate myself with Benadryl just to make it through the day, so that’s a plus. I’ve also limited the scratching to only one good session per day since I realized any more than that will leave scars that make my legs look like they were pelted by an army of BB guns.

Our daily job has become prepping for a walk or ride into town to check our email until we get into our new place (which comes with internet...yay!). It takes a lot of communicating and coordinating to move out of the Crab Shack and into our palace. We have to drop off a deposit on Friday to make sure it stays ours until next Thursday when we can move in. Since our current landlord lives about four hours away and wasn’t expecting our quick escape, we have agreed to show our place to prospective renters (I’ll be putting on my best acting outfit that day). Next Wednesday, we’ll be renting a car again (another yay!) so we can speed out of here (that means going about 15 mph on the dirt road) to our new house on Thursday morning after we pass our move out inspection. I have a feeling it won’t take too long to count our 1 pan, 2 pots, 3 mugs, 1 bowl, 10 plates and broken coffee maker. I think it’ll probably take longer to tally the wicker, which we’ll gladly leave behind for the crabs and iguanas to enjoy during their visits.

We healed enough to saddle up on the bikes again and ride to the internet restaurant which cut the walk time in half. It’s about an hour ride, depending on how many breaks I have to take to rest my buns or how many breaks Mike has to take to fix his bike. If bad bikes are also referred to as lemons, Mike got the sourest one of the bunch. Not only has it had two flat tires (in two days), add a cracked pedal, loose handlebars that shift mid ride and a front tire with a perpetual mystery leak to the list. As if that’s not enough, as a good husband, he swapped bike seats with me after mine gave up during our last ride. Since Mike actually knows how to ride a bike well, he can support himself over the bumps and even stand while pedaling (which is impressive and impossible to me). At this point, the bike repairman just greets him with a laugh.

On another note, I realized this evening that there’s a very good possibility I’ve unknowingly eaten a few bugs. Without a toaster, we’ve been toasting our flaxseed multigrain bread in the frying pan. Since it’s our only pan and toast doesn’t leave much behind, we’ve cooked some meals in it without a rinse. So I had no reason to question why I’d see some leftover toasted flaxseed in some of my food. Until tonight, when the flaxseed on my chicken decided to move to another piece.

The countdown is now in single digits and I couldn’t be happier. If our new home is as great as I think it’s going to be (oh please let it be), I’m a little concerned about not having anything to write about. No bugs, no crabs, no sleepless nights listening to iguanas, no marathon walks and doomed bike rides. Uh oh....

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